Brian McPhee is offering a four week watercolour landscape painting course, for beginners and intermediate painters.
The course, Landscape Watercolour : Shape,Value,Colour will take participants through a very direct way to approach watercolours, using the landscape as the subject. Participants will be guided through three steps: simplification of the subject (simplifying shapes), identifying values (light and darks) and local colour. Working from small two minutes in sketchbooks, up to large full colour direct painting, the students will produce very spontaneous exciting responses.
Students will be given in person demonstrations at the beginning of each class. Group critiques will be given at the end of each class, where students will be encouraged to observe and comment on other student’s work.
A list of all supplies needed will be provided after registration.
Maximum class size is 15. Course registration closes April 25, 2025.
Brian McPhee is a Canadian artist and educator, with over twenty-five years experience teaching at the college level, (Sheridan, OCADU,Seneca, AGO,AGH) and forty years painting landscapes throughout Canada, the United States, and Scotland. His work is part of collections in Canada, the United States, and Europe.